Facilities can use the Resiliency Toolkit to assess their resiliency to climate change

The Canadian Coalition for Green Health Care with support from the Nova Scotia Department of Environment has co-developed the Health Care Facility Climate Change Resiliency Toolkit, which health care facilities can use to assess their resiliency to climate change.

Online Toolkit Access

Now you can get enhanced access to the resiliency toolkit online. Find out your facility’s resiliency score, get access to the Facilitators Guide, and more.

Anyone may register here or sign in with an existing account

Why your facility should use the online checklist to assess readiness for the impacts of climate change:

  1. Start to identify your facility’s current climate change related risks
  2. Understand your current state of preparedness
  3. Learn what other facilities are doing to become better prepared
  4. Help your facility to become better prepared
  5. Use the checklist to benchmark your progress against your original answers over time
  6. Use the checklist to benchmark your progress against other like facilities in the future
  7. Be a leader in your community
  8. Help start the National conversation on climate change-resiliency with hospitals across Canada