GHG and Water Toolkit

Project Description

Health care facilities are major producers of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and are often the most intensive users of water (H2O) in their communities. In spite of this, many organisations do not rigorously monitor or limit their GHG emissions or water use, and many health care professionals are not aware of the environmental impact their work can have. Health care facilities' responsibility to deliver high quality health services makes minimising environmental harm from GHG emissions and water overuse uniquely challenging, and demands a specially tailored approach.

To improve awareness of these challenges and encourage adoption of better environmental practices, the GHG+H2O Green Facility Toolkit provides health care organisations with a specialised package of educational materials, awareness tools, and technical resources. GHG+H2O offers practical recommendations and in-depth information from a wide range of sources, reviewed and presented by facility operations experts from leading Canadian health care organisations.