This initiative was made possible in part through the financial support of the Independent Electricity System Operator’s (“IESO”) Education and Capacity Building Program. The Canadian Coalition for Green Health Care is solely responsible for implementation of this initiative, and the IESO has no responsibility or liability whatsoever in the event that any person suffers any losses or damages of any kind as a result of the initiative.
- Conduct energy assessment in health care buildings along the western James Bay coast.
- Improve the energy efficiency of local health buildings.
- Bring energy management knowledge and training to local communities and improve local technical capacity through delivery of the Building Operator Certification (BOC) course in 2017.
- Promote energy awareness and conservation in support of the work being done by local power corporations through “Conservation on the Coast.”
September 25, 2017
We are happy to report we have had many successes throughout the course of this project including the opportunity to work with WAHA’s dedicated staff in the development of Energy Assessment Reports for all major WAHA buildings, the delivery of three Building Operator Certificate training modules to WAHA staff in multiple facilities along the coast, and the development and implementation of a new energy tracking program to assist staff in monitoring the energy purchased and consumed in WAHA’s many buildings.
WAHA’s facility management staff was trained in Energy Efficiency Operation of Building HVAC Systems, Measuring & Benchmarking Energy Performance, and Efficient Lighting Fundamentals and they now have new skills to apply to the running of their facilities.
We wish to thank Paul Gray and Paul Corston for their hands-on assistance throughout the project, Karin Weistche for all her administrative help in making the project a success, and to all the staff members who assisted us during the assessment phase of the project.
April 4, 2017
During the week of February 21-24, 2017, the Coalition’s HELO Lead JJ Knott delivered the first three modules of the Building Operator Certificate (BOC) course in the auditorium of the Weeneebayko Hospital in Moose Factory. A total of 11 people attended the training sessions which covered:
- Energy Efficiency Operation of Building HVAC Systems
- Measuring & Benchmarking Energy Performance
- Efficient Lighting Fundamentals
If/When additional funding becomes available, the HELO Team will attempt to deliver the remaining five BOC modules to residents of western James Bay.
The Energy and Environmental Sustainability Opportunity Assessment Reports for all WAHA buildings have been completed and delivered to WAHA’s senior leaders as has WAHA’s Conservation and Demand Management Plan.
Conservation and Environmental Sustainability Opportunity Assessment Reports for the First Nations health centres in Attawapiskat, Fort Albany and Kashechewan are completed and will be shared with First Nations leaders shortly.
The Project Team is currently working on hiring a Local Program Coordinator to assist in the development of WAHA’s new electricity/fuel tracking protocol.
January 2, 2017
The Coalition’s energy lead JJ Knott and the HELO Team are working to finalize all energy assessments for WAHA’s 35+ facilities and three First Nations’ health facilities in Attawapiskat, Fort Albany and Kashechewan. Tentative date to share all reports: January 20, 2017
Details of the energy assessment process will be provided via a free webinar January 19, 2017.
The Building Operator Certification Course has been finalized and will be delivered to qualifying candidates February 21-24, 2017 at the Weeneebayko General Hospital in Moose Factory. Anyone interested in attending this competency-based training is encouraged to contact
Two educational webinars are planned, more information to follow.
September 28, 2016
The Coalition’s energy auditor, Richard W. Patterson, P. Eng., and WAHA’s Regional Support Services Manager Paul Corston have just completed a marathon nine-day journey to conduct energy assessments on over 35 of WAHA’s health facilities and ancillary building along the western coast of James Bay.
While in the communities of Attawapiskat, Kashechewan and Fort Albany, the audit team also conducted assessments of the following health care facilities on behalf of the First Nations’ communities:
- Attawapiskat Health Centre
- Fort Albany Health Centre
- Kashechewan Nursing Station
Over the next few weeks, energy data, and building envelope and mechanical system details will be reviewed by our technical team. Final reporting will occur in early 2017.
We wish to thank the many people in the communities of Moose Factory, Moosonee, Fort Albany, Kashechewan and Attawapiskat for welcoming our team and for the assistance they provided.
- Updated energy assessment for health care buildings along the western James Bay coast.
- Knowledge of formalized energy tracking methodologies and consumption analyses.
- Awareness of possible energy efficiency improvements for building stock and Business Case development.
- Improved energy management knowledge and training to remote First Nation’s communities (increased local capacity).
- Increased knowledge of energy conservation principles in communities.
Energy Management
- Improving radiator control valves saves dollars while improving energy efficiency and patient care
- Curtailing steam loss has cut facility operating costs, reduced GHG emissions and improved environment of care
- Empowering staff pays very big dividends or remote northern First Nations’ health care
Best Practices
- Assessment of Window Replacement Project, Weeneebayko General Hospital
- First Nations Health Care Staff Graduate Building Operator Certification - Training Improving Technical Skills in James Bay Communities
- Building Operator Training in First Nations Communities Delivers Infrastructure Improvements, Energy Savings and Enhanced Technical Skills