Preparing Canadian Health Care Facilities for Climate Change

A Climate Resilience Maturity Matrix for Canadian Health Systems
Supplementary Material

Supplementary Table 1: Guides document that provides a list of climate action for the Climate Resilience Maturity Matrix

Health Care & Climate Change Resiliency

Health care facilities in Canada are vulnerable to climate change. Climate-related hazards are expected to create risks that can disrupt health care facility services and delivery.

The World Health Organization has called on the health care sector to prepare for climate change impacts through efforts to increase resiliency. Health care organisations in Canada can increase resiliency by continually mainstreaming climate change into risk assessments, considering climate change when developing plans and activities and engaging in broader community discussions and initiatives around climate-related issues.

A resilient health care facility is also one that commits to sustainable practices, such as water and energy conservation, promoting active transportation, and local food procurement. In investing in resiliency activities in these areas, health care facilities can reduce operating costs and increase resilience in the community.

The Canadian Coalition for Green Health Care has co-developed a Health Care Facility Climate Change Resiliency Toolkit to help health care facilities become more resilient to climate-related risks.

Resiliency Profiles

These case studies showcase the resiliency efforts and disaster responses of some leading health care facilities from across Canada and the U.S.

Climate Change Resiliency Mentoring Project

There is a growing call to measure, track, and reduce organisations’ GHG emissions. As of September 2016, the Coalition is pleased to add a new project to our Current Initiatives to help answer this call. 

Climate Change Resiliency Mentoring Project

This FREE program helps hospitals identify vulnerable areas and prepare for climate change events through mentoring, networking, and information sharing.