
Meet our Advisors

Atanu Sarkar - Sustainable Consumption


Professor (Environmental and Occupational Health), Division of Community Health and Humanities, Faculty of Medicine, Memorial University of Newfoundland

Bob Williard - Sustainable Procurement

Whitby, Ontario

Founder and Chief, Sustainability Champion
Sustainability Advantage

Read what inspires Bob HERE.

Barry W. Hunt - Engineered Infection Control

Simcoe, Ontario

Founding Partner Canadian Coalition for Green Healthcare (CCGHC), Co-Founder Coalition for Healthcare Acquired Infection Reduction (CHAIR), Founder Canadian Association of PPE Manufacturers (CAPPEM),

Dr Bhavini Gohel - Health Systems and Global Health/International Health


Section Chief of Medical Inpatients, Calgary zone, Department of Family Medicine. Clinical Associate Professor, University of Calgary

Caitlin Roy - Pharmacy


Co-Chair, CAPhE
Clinical Support Pharmacist, SHA
Residency and Education Coordinator and Clinical Support Pharmacist
Department of Pharmacy Services, Regina General Hospital

Read what inspires Caitlin HERE.

Camille Gagnon - Deprescribing

PharmD MSc
Montréal, Québec

Assistant Director, Canadian Medication Appropriateness and Deprescribing Network

Colleen Cirilo - Biodiversity

Toronto, Ontario

Nature in Communities Campaigner, David Suzuki Foundation

Des Leddin - Virtual Conferences and Transportation

Halifax, Nova Scotia

Professor of Medicine, Dalhousie University

Learn what inspires Des HERE.


Diane de Camps Meschino - Leadership

Toronto, Ontario

Associate Professor, University of Toronto
RCPSC’s Planetary Health Committee, Sanokondu
Affiliate of the World Health Leadership Network

Learn what inspire Diane HERE.


Doreen Day - Choosing Wisely Canada

Toronto, Ontario

Project Manager, Pan-Canadian Initiatives, Choosing Wisely Canada

Learn what inspire Doreen HERE.

Frances Hall - Health System Policy

BSc. (Hons) Pharm, MBA
Ottawa, Ontario

National Association of Pharmacy Regulatory Authorities, Canadian Association of Physician Assistants, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development Committee on pharmaceuticals and medical devices, Canada’s Drug Agency and Scientific Advisory Committee on Health Products for Women

Gigi Wong - Pharmacy

BScPharm, RPh, ACPR, MPH
Vancouver, British Columbia

Clinical Pharmacy Specialist, Quality
Green+Leader, Greencare with Lower Mainland Pharmacy Services (LMPS)

Learn what inspires Gigi HERE.

Gina Stringer - Long Term Care

Markham, Ontario

Long-Term Care Executive with the City of Toronto’s Seniors Services & Long-Term Care Division, Live Green Team Lead in the City of Toronto’s Live Green at Work Program


Giovanna Boniface - Sustainable Occupational Therapy

North Vancouver, British Columbia

Co-Founder, Occupational Therapy Climate Action Network (OT-CAN)
Chief Implementation Officer, Royal Architectural Institute of Canada

Learn what inspires Giovanna HERE.


Jennifer Reynolds - Healthy and Sustainable Food

Halifax, Nova Scotia

Co-Executive Director, NOURISH Canada


Kady Cowan - Sustainable and Regenerative Health and Care Systems

Toronto, Ontario

Learn about Kady here

Expertise: Climate Resilience, Energy Management, Behaviour Change

Katelyn Marie Poyntz - Sustainable Building Operations & Infrastructure

BASc, P.Eng
Toronto, Ontario

Director Project Engineering, Energy & Sustainability, Unity Health Toronto, Partners in Project Green Executive Management Committee, CSA Technical Steering Committee Environmental Resilience, Collaborative Centre for Climate, Health + Sustainable Care.

Katie North - Nursing and Green Teams

I.A, BScI, MScI, PhD(e)
Winnipeg, Manitoba

Sustainable Capital planning lead
Tertiary sustainability coordinator
Environmental policy advisor

Laura McGrath - Pension Wealth Engagement

Toronto, Ontario

Pension Engagement Manager, Shift: Action for Pension Wealth and Planet Health

Laurie Desmazels – Greenhouse gas emissions and decarbonization 

M.S. Env. E.
Montreal, Quebec

Health and climate consultant, Synergie Santé Environnement
Specializing in carbon accounting, decarbonization plan, energy efficiency, and sustainable health care systems

Dr. Maura Brown- Radiology

Vancouver, British Columbia

Radiologist, BC Cancer, Clinical Associate Professor, University of British Columbia, Co-Chair BC Cancer Planetary Health Unit, Co-Chair Canadian Association of Radiology Environmental Sustainability working group


Dr. Melissa Lem - Biodiversity

Vancouver, British Columbia

Founding Director, PaRx/Park Prescriptions, BC Parks Foundation President, CAPE
Clinical Assistant Professor, UBC Department of Family Practice

Dr. Nabha Shetty - Goals of Care;  Resource - Value Alignment

Halifax, Nova Scotia

General Internal Medicine, Dalhousie University
Leader of the Green Medical Teaching Unit initiative


Neil Ritchie - Partnership Development

Halifax, Nova Scotia

Former Executive Director, Canadian Coalition for Green Health Care


Owen Dan Luo - Resident Physician Advisor

Montreal, Quebec

Internal Medicine Resident, McGill University

Sonia Hsiung - Social Prescribing

Toronto, Ontario

Director, Community Health and the Canadian Institute for Social Prescribing, Canadian Red Cross

Dr. Zahra Kassam - Healthy and Sustainable Food

Toronto, Ontario

Radiation Oncologist, Stronach Regional Cancer Centre
Assistant Professor, Department of Radiation Oncology, UofT
Diplomate, American Board of Lifestyle Medicine
Co-Chair, Canadian Member Interest Group, American College of Lifestyle Medicine
Co-founder/Director, Plant-Based Canada 

Read what inspires Zahra HERE.

Honourary Advisors

Dr. Trevor Hancock

Co-Founder of the Coalition and the Canadian Association of Physicians for the Environment

Retired professor and senior scholar at the University of Victoria’s School of Public Health and Social Policy


Dr. Lynne Marshal


Dr. Marshall was one of the Coalition's first and longest standing Medical Advisors, holding a 55-year long career in medicine and environmental stewardship.

Learn more HERE.